You are here: Organization Menu > Accounting Summary > Transactions > Client Reconciliation

Client Reconciliation

Client reconciliation provides a means for writing off balances, clearing open activity, and transferring balances at the client level.

To Perform a Reconciliation 

  1. On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Select the territories tab and select the Details icon next to the territory to reconcile.
  3. Select the accounting > transactions > reconciliation tab.
  4. Click [Add New Reconciliation]. The Reconciliation dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Entity Type list, select Client.
  1. Enter at least three characters of the name for the client and click Search.

Note:  If the client has an alternate address, it can be selected from the Select Address list.

  1. Select the client in the search results and click OK. The reconciliation tab is displayed.

The following information is available in the client reconciliation header:

The following options are available on the Navigation Toolbar:

  1. In the Description box, enter a description for the reconciliation.
  2. In the Internal Note box, enter an internal note about the reconciliation if necessary.
  3. On the Navigation Toolbar, click Save.
  4. In the Quick Navigation panel, click the General Ledger link. The General Ledger screen is displayed.
  5. On the Navigation Toolbar, click Add Row.

  1. In the Account Number column, click the Ellipsis button to select a general ledger number. Add as many general ledger rows as necessary, the Total to write off amount is then added to the Journal Total in the reconciliation header.
  2. In the Navigation Toolbar, click Save.
  3. In the Quick Navigation panel, click Transaction Activity. The Client Transaction Association screen is displayed.
  4. On the Client Transaction Association screen, click [Add New]. The Client Transaction View screen is displayed.

  1. In the Description box, enter a description for the specific application if necessary.
  2. Select a single Credit transaction to clear one or more Debit transactions or a single Debit to clear one or more Credit transactions. Selection of items to apply is a one to many scenario. The end result must equal $0.00.
  3. On the Client Transaction View screen, click [Transactions Associations]. The Client Transaction Association screen is displayed with the association line item.

  1. In the Quick Navigation panel, click Journal Transactions. The Journal Associations screen is displayed.
  2. On the Journal Associations screen, click [Add New]. The items available to write-off are displayed.

  1. Select one or more general ledger items to apply against a single transaction or a single general ledger item to apply against one or more transactions. Selection of items to apply is a one to many scenario. The end result must equal $0.00.
  2. Click Save on the Navigation Toolbar. The reconciliation header will be updated to include the amounts selected.
  3. On the Quick Navigation panel, click Association Summary. The Association Summary list is displayed.

Note: Individual line items cannot be removed from the Association Summary list. To remove line items, navigate to the Transaction Activity or Journal Transactions screen.

  1. In the Quick Navigation panel, click Reconciliation Posting. The Reconciliation Details screen is displayed.

  1. Review the Reconciliation Details and post the reconciliation.

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